Thursday, January 13, 2011

Girl raped by wushu master

 A father of two has been charged with seven sexual offences, including three for statutory rape and four for indecent acts, with a then 13-year-old girl in 2007. Some of the details include how the two would address each other as "Lao Gong" and "Lao Po" which means "husband" and "wife" in Chinese. A week after she agreed to be his girlfriend, he allegedly drove her to a beach where he hugged and kissed her. In March 2007, he drove her to a quiet spot in Changi, where they had sex for the first time.

After reading the article, i felt really disgusted by the man's action. Wushu, like martial arts, requires high level of self-discipline. How can a man who is married with 2 children, still have the cheek to ask a 13-year-old girl to be his girlfriend? I certainly believe he had the evil intention in mind. Furthermore, by having sex with more than one partner would also increase the risk of spreading STDs to his wife. I personally believed he should be jailed for life. He actually went on bed with a 13-year-old girl, who is actually old enough to be his daughter.

Nevertheless, the girl is not innocent as well. According to ST, she was already sexually active at the age of 12 with another 3 boys. I really wonder why these teenage girls behave like this these days? Do they even know what they are exactly doing? They would only be ruining their own future.

Lastly, i hope to see the heaviest sentence impose on this man to serve as a warning to others.  

Source: ST, Channelnewsasia, dated 13/1/2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Passer-by catches snatch thief

A SNATCH-AND-RUN robbery attempt by a 29-year-old man was foiled by a member of the public on Tuesday.

The suspect accosted a 34-year-old woman sitting at a void deck of Block 76A, Redhill Road at about 10.50pm and tried to snatch her handbag. He was unable to pry the handbag from her and fled when she yelled for help. The victim's shouts attracted the attention of 29-year-old Mohamed Rozali. Mr Rozali chased the suspect and eventually managed to detain him in the vicinity of Block 77, Redhill Road. The suspect was subsequently handed over to the police and will be charged in court on Thursday.

After reading the article, i felt that 29-year-old Mohamed Rozali's action is really brave. After hearing the victim's shouts, Mr Rozali chased the suspect and eventually managed to detain him. His heroic act should no doubt be complimented. I certainly believe in this modern society that we are living in, we should all lend a helping hand to whoever is in need. As a passer-by, we should not hesitate to assist the victim. For example, we should call the police immediately whenever we encounter such a situation.

Furthermore, there had been an increasing number of theft related cases in Singapore. It is our responsibility to take care of our belongings at all times. Also, we should not leave our bag unattended while eating or having a drink in a cafĂ© or restaurant. 

Lastly, i felt that Mr Rozali is a good role model and we should all learn from him. 

Source: ST, 05 Jan 11

Can't quit smoking? Listen to what this adorable girl has to say

STOMPer David claims that he literally stopped smoking after watching this little girl sing her 'quit smoking' song online. The STOMPer said he stopped smoking in two months.

After reading the article, i felt the little girl's clip is really meaningful and useful. I believe it would certainly be a different approach by having a child's encouragement to help quit smoking compared to parents, teachers, friends etc. MOH should use this clip to encourage young parents to quit smoking, make them think about their child's future and hence quit the habit. 

 In my point of view, having to suffer and die of smoking-related is just not worth it. Smoking causes various health problems. For example, lung cancer. Smokers are 22 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Furthermore, it is proven that 90% of all lung cancer cases in Singaporean males occur among smokers.

I believe we would not want to see our family and friends around us smoking, leading to health problems. Hence, we should all do our part in helping them overcome this habit. Also, I hope that the little girl's dad will quit smoking successfully

Lastly, we should all do our best towards achieving the goal of a smoke-free society! 

Source: STOMP, 05 Jan 2011

Monday, December 13, 2010

Dengue cases up after 3-year decline

The number of cases in the first 11 months of this year hit 5,016, compared to 4,497 for the whole of last year, according to the National Environment Agency (NEA). The number of cases had been dropping from 8,826 in 2007 to 7,031 in 2008 and to below 5,000 last year. NEA said breeding sites were found everywhere - from residences to non-residential areas to construction sites.

After reading the article, i felt that everyone has to be responsible and play a part to prevent the spread of dengue fever. Unfortunately, there are no vaccines to prevent or treat dengue. What we can only do is to avoid from mosquito bites and put repellents on our skin. Also, we should always avoid populated place and watery area.

Ng Say Kiat, Singapore Pest Management Association, said: "NEA has stepped up spot checks at the construction sites and the intensity is definitely enough. With this increase in frequency of inspections, the mosquito breeding likelihood is much, much lower,"

Furthermore, on our part, we should eliminate mosquito breeding area by cleaning our surrounding regularly. We should remove containers that can collect rain water and regularly change water in the flower pot and aquariums. Lastly, always eliminate stagnant water and use insecticide to get rid of mosquitoes. 

In conclusion, i felt that it is always better to be safe than worry. Prevention is better than cure and we should all work together to prevent the spread of dengue fever!

Source: CNA, 13 December 2010 

Monday, December 6, 2010

HK police hunt for serial dog killer

BOWEN Road in Hong Kong is becoming a road of death for dogs.
In the past week, two dogs have died in an excruciating manner after eating poisoned food left on the road.

After consuming the food, the dogs would first develop diarrhoea. They would then begin foaming at the mouth. By the time they were taken to a vet, their vital organs would have failed and they would die soon after.

After reading the article, i felt that the killer is really heartless and inhuman. Dogs are human's best friend and they have emotions and feelings too. We should always shower them with love and care, instead of torturing and killing them.

In my point of view, I felt that several measures should be taken. Firstly, pet owners should keep an eye on their pets and not let them wander around outside all by themselves. Next, there should be more police officer patrolling around the area and keep a look out for any suspicious person. 

Lastly, I hope that after the killer is being caught, he or she should be severely punished to serve as a warning to others. I truly do not wish to see any cases of animal torture or abuse again in future.

Source: Asiaone, 6 Dec

Monday, November 29, 2010

23 nabbed for drink driving

The Traffic Police arrested 23 people for drink driving in a five-hour operation early on Saturday morning. Road blocks were put up at Zion Road, Havelock Road and Outram Road. There has been a 7.4% increase in arrests of drunken drivers involved in accidents in the first 10 months of this year, compared with the same period last year.

After reading the article, i felt that driving after consuming alcohol is dangerous and fatal. It will surely cause tremendous heartache and suffering to injured parties and their loved ones. Why should we put our own life at risk? I certainly believe we would not want to live with regret for the rest of our life. 

Furthermore, many insurance companies will not pay for damages done to vehicles resulted from negligent drinking and driving. The owner will definitely lose a ton of money because of this. The only way to prevent such tragic accidents is to ask for a ride or take a taxi back home after consuming alcohol. 

Unfortunately, even when rules and regulations are imposed, there are still a huge number of drink and drive cases annually. In my point of view, I felt that the punishment is too light. The police should amend the charges. For example, people who were convicted should be put behind bars for a minimum of 1 year. Next, the police should start increasing the fine to a minimum of $10,000. 

I believe this will definitely allow them to learn from their mistake and be a responsible driver in future!

Source: ST, 30 Nov

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Student posts O Level paper on Twitter

This incident happened whereby a student from Outram Secondary School, Xavier Ong took a picture of his O Level Social Studies examination paper with his camera phone and posted it on Twitter. In the tweet, Xavier mentioned, 'Do you dare bring a phone into examination hall and take a picture?', challenging other students to follow suit.

This incident not only shocked a number of twitters locally, but globally as well. A twitter user named 'charlottesleet' from the United Kingdom, also left a note, expressing her concern as to whether taking photos of the Cambridge examination papers was legit and allowed. 

I personally felt that this student should be severely dealt with. After being caught red-handed, instead of merely apologizing and eating humble-pie, he still had the guts to put on a video and gives all the most ridiculous and outrageous reasons as to what he had done is not a mistake. 

What if one day in future when he commits a crime such as robbing and start boasting about it online? Will the law of Singapore go easy on him? 

If he was remorse about his mistake, a simple apology would have been sufficient. But apparently, from his video, it was obvious that he had not regretted his actions. If he has just directly apologized to the media for his mistake, I believe that people would not pass such harsh comments on him. Furthermore, I certainly believe as a student, we all have to strictly enforce fairness in examination to uphold meritocracy. 

Parents are also to be partly blamed for their children's behaviour as they are their entire responsibility. However, even though when students are repeatedly reprimanded, some of them still refuse to heed their parents' advice and continue doing things their own way. 

In conclusion, I felt that what Xavier had done was just simply mischievous and trying to create attention. I truly hope this teenager would realize the seriousness of his mistake and resolve not to commit any more mistakes in future. 

Source: ST, 24 November