Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Student posts O Level paper on Twitter

This incident happened whereby a student from Outram Secondary School, Xavier Ong took a picture of his O Level Social Studies examination paper with his camera phone and posted it on Twitter. In the tweet, Xavier mentioned, 'Do you dare bring a phone into examination hall and take a picture?', challenging other students to follow suit.

This incident not only shocked a number of twitters locally, but globally as well. A twitter user named 'charlottesleet' from the United Kingdom, also left a note, expressing her concern as to whether taking photos of the Cambridge examination papers was legit and allowed. 

I personally felt that this student should be severely dealt with. After being caught red-handed, instead of merely apologizing and eating humble-pie, he still had the guts to put on a video and gives all the most ridiculous and outrageous reasons as to what he had done is not a mistake. 

What if one day in future when he commits a crime such as robbing and start boasting about it online? Will the law of Singapore go easy on him? 

If he was remorse about his mistake, a simple apology would have been sufficient. But apparently, from his video, it was obvious that he had not regretted his actions. If he has just directly apologized to the media for his mistake, I believe that people would not pass such harsh comments on him. Furthermore, I certainly believe as a student, we all have to strictly enforce fairness in examination to uphold meritocracy. 

Parents are also to be partly blamed for their children's behaviour as they are their entire responsibility. However, even though when students are repeatedly reprimanded, some of them still refuse to heed their parents' advice and continue doing things their own way. 

In conclusion, I felt that what Xavier had done was just simply mischievous and trying to create attention. I truly hope this teenager would realize the seriousness of his mistake and resolve not to commit any more mistakes in future. 

Source: ST, 24 November

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