Tuesday, November 2, 2010

More bins, less litterbugs?

The number of litterbugs caught in Singapore has drastically fallen by almost 40 per cent - as the National Environment Agency (NEA) unveiled plans to install more bins. Several bins will be relocated to busy areas such as shopping centres and bus interchanges, where litter including cigarette butts, drink cans, tissue papers and wrappers is commonly found.

Mr Satish Appoo, Director of the Environmental Health Department at NEA, said the agency hopes the additional bins will persuade a group of people known as 'situational binners' to litter less.

In my point of view, I feel that there are other ways to solve this problem. For example, more interesting bins could be installed. Most of the bins around our neighbourhood and city are usually of bland and boring colours. However, if the bins are bright, colourful and full of interesting graphics, i certainly believe people would make an extra effort to walk a few steps and discard their rubbish. 

Good habits have to start from young. I strongly believe teachers should educate the correct values to their students in school. In Japan, i noticed that teenagers do not have the habit of littering. They usually keep their litter in their pockets or bags. They would then discard them into litter bins until they see one. It was then i realized how lucky Singapore is to have litter bins at almost everywhere.

Also, NEA will be promoting the concept of “Litter-free Ambassadors” to encourage the community to take greater ownership. I feel that everyone in the community should adopts a zero-tolerance attitude towards litterbugs. To keep Singapore clean, we should all step forward and ask litterbugs to bin their rubbish. 

Let's all work towards a clean and green environment!

source: ST, Nov 2, 2010

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