Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Scholar admits child porn

A Singaporean student on a teaching scholarship at the University of York in Britain has pleaded guilty to downloading indecent videos of children.  The 23 year old student, Jonathan Wong was also once in the gifted education programme at Hwa Chong Institution. 

After reading the article, I felt that it’s a shame that this young scholar has ruined his future life and career. This case tells us that scholars are human beings after all, and may have hidden flaws of their own. Hence, we should never judge a book by its cover. 

Education is not only about scoring straight A’s, but also developing qualities of the heart.  Therefore, I believe family background is absolutely important because one needs the right guidance when growing up.
In addition, I was utterly shocked to know that he was previously caught for a serious offence of peeping, which was already a sign that something was wrong.  I seriously wondered whether he would have turned out differently if the parents and his teacher had taken more drastic measures in educating him when he was younger. 

I understand that everyone should deserve a second chance. However, I do not agree on awarding him with a teaching scholarship which may entails future interaction with other students. As the saying goes, ‘Better to be safe than sorry’. He might even educate and promote child pornography to the students in future.

In conclusion, I felt that if he had rehabilitated after his punishment, he still can be a normal member of the society.

Source: ST, 18 Nov

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